Formative formulation of textile print design from Far Eastern landscape photography

Document Type : scientific articles


1 Textile Printing Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University Giza Egypt

2 Professor of Design and head of the, Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

3 Professor of printing at the Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and finishing Faculty of Applied Arts-Helwan University

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Printing, Dyeing and Finishing Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


This research deals with the study of the art of landscape photography in the countries of the Far East (China - Japan - India) in terms of definition and types of photography art. We find that the types of Chinese photography art are landscapes, flowers, plants, birds, insects, animals, and characters. As for Japanese art, the types of photography are folding screens (this architectural use of the folded screen as a self-contained unit is what makes it fundamentally different from other forms of Japanese painting), while in Indian art, the types of photography are classified into murals (the murals are huge works executed on the walls of facilities) and miniatures (executed on very small spaces for books or albums). The research also deals with some schools of the art of landscape photography, and the merging of the natural elements of the Far East countries to achieve a deeper understanding of the printing design data and its diversity and to draw inspiration from these elements to create a set of upholstery designs with new printing methods and a presentation of color experiments and applied models printed by thermal insulation printing for the design idea No.(1),As well as a presentation of applied models printed by digital printing for other design ideas and the proposed employments for each design idea.
