The structure of the eye and the aesthetics of the symbol in creating a contemporary design vision inspired by the traditional arts. “Chlorine is a technical mediator” Theorizing the exhibition of Eyes and Other Symbols

Document Type : scientific articles


Decorative Designs-Faculty of Art Education - Minia University


The symbol is one of the activities of human thought since ancient times, and the artist sought to represent it in his artistic works at various ages. Man follows the manifestations of nature and realizes new meanings for it to discover vocabulary with symbolic meaning to express it. Over the ages, the symbol has become expressive, symbolic and artistic. The culture and the artistic and plastic language of the practicing artist and the connoisseur of the recipient, and by tracing the aesthetic and artistic formulations of the symbols in some ancient arts, we can benefit from them with the “Al-Ain” building as a symbol for the development of contemporary design visions, by achieving the design and aesthetic foundations as well as the different formal relationships between the constituent elements of the works of art ( designs), to evoke in the same scenes sensory impressions and expressive connotations by combining the aesthetic binaries "eyes and symbol" "heritage and contemporary" through formal arrangements of lines, shapes, spaces, elements and colors, in addition to the effects of technology and the use of non-stereotypical media (chlorine), so the researcher seeks To reveal: Aesthetic constructivism of the eye, aesthetic dimensions and symbolic connotations of heritage arts to create a contemporary design vision, implementation in a manner Especially by using chlorine as an expressive medium, which contributes to enriching the expressive side.
