Guide for Authors


The publishing organization realized the importance of the logistic work that is concerned with receiving researches till the stage of printing them, in order to ease the procedures and the difficulties, the publishing organization used a program that contains the following stages:

1- Sending the research abstract to two reviewers who are specialized in the field of the research, to respond within two days.

2- In case of approval, the whole research should be sent to be judged, determine a period from 6 to 8 weeks to respond back to the author and the research, according to the subject, will be sent to two reviewers to be scientifically judged (double anonymous arbitration) which means hiding the name of the author when sending the research to be arbitrated.

3- In case of the reviewers’ approval, the research will be transferred to file with the name ”articles ready for publishing”.

4- In case of one of the reviewers refuses the research, the research will be sent to a third reviewer who will decide to accept or refuse the debated research.

5- In case of acceptance under modifications, the research will be sent back to the author to undergo the required modifications.

6- The reviewers are committed to fill in a detailed online form about the arbitrated research on the website that clarify the reasons of acceptance or rejection.

7- The publishing committee eventually revise the research and prepare it according to the international standards of publishing, and the research will be ready for the final release.

The Requirements of the Submitted Text for Publishing:

1. Assure that the text has been studied completely, linguistically revised, free of any orthographic or grammar errors, and didn't breach any system of intellectual property.

2. Researcher shall submit main title page in Arabic and English stating the study's title, author/authors' names, their full addresses, summarized biography (name, qualification, scientific grade, workplace and name, e-mail), with five to seven terminologies in both Arab and English (suggested keywords by the researcher) expressing about the study's content.

3. Researcher shall submit two abstracts for the study in about 250 words, one in Arabic, and the other in English.

4. When typing the study it will use the font of (Arabic Simplified) as follows: Title: size (16) medium in the line and bold – author's name: size (14) medium inline – keywords: size (14) – text: size (12) – side titles: must be short and clearly specified in bold without numbers.

5. Side titles shall ne short and specified in bold without numbers.

6. Figures, tables and graphs shall be in high resolution in black and white and avoiding heavy shadow.

7. Each table and figure will be separate numbers, with a short title for each of them to be typed below the table and figure, then to type the source below table or figure.

8. By using Microsoft Word (A4), study volume shall be about twenty pages or less, where ten pounds shall be paid against any additional page, as all pages shall have a serial number.

9. Researches shall be arranged as follows: (Research title, abstract, the research, the research importance, the research goal, the research terminologies, the research method, the theoretical framework of the research, the precedent studies, research procedures, conclusions' analysis and explanation, recommendations and suggestions, Arabic references & foreign references.

The required objects to be handed over:

1. Researched shall be submitted and printed in a copy according to the required text to be published.

2. Author shall submit an electronic version of the research with Microsoft Word, where the electronic version can be satisfied.

3. Researcher shall attach his/her biography including his/her name in both Arabic and English, his/her current workplace (university & faculty), with his/her academic and scientific ranks and the important research.

4. Research handing over message.

5. Publishing confirmation.  

Researches shall be sent to the following website:, For Queries email:

Or to the following address:

Bldg. 115 – 2nd headquarter – New Fustat City – Next to National Museum for Egyptian Civilization – Cairo.

B.O. Box: 11431 – Arab Republic of Egypt

Tel: 02 2742 9726  -  Mobile: 01069496282

 Article Publishing Charges (APCs):

For Egyptians: 1000 EGP for electronic publishing&Printing in " Journal of International Heritage and Design " for more than (20) pages, it shall pay 25 EGP for each additional page Within four pages.

For Non-Egyptians: 300$ for more than (20) pages, it shall pay 5$ for each additional page.

Way of Payment: Contributions shall be paid in Suez Canal bank  (Maadi Branch)

or through any other bank on Account number (0530150510100101) for EGP or (0530150520100101) for Dollars in the name of:

(The Arab Association of Civilization and Islamic Arts) SWIFT CODE:SUCAEGCXMAD

With the reason for payment of the fees whether it is:

* Research Publish

* Participation in a conference

* Subscribe to the membership

Then to be delivered Remittance notification (Fees Payment) through the email: