Sustainability and Glass Product Design Standards

Document Type : scientific articles


1 industrial product design program, faculty of design and creative arts, ahram canadian university

2 Glass Design Department- Faculty of Applied Arts – Helwan University – Egypt

3 Glass Chemistry and Technology - National Research Center-Egypt

4 Industrial Design Department – Faculty of Applied Arts – Benha University – Egypt


In view of the major problems that have occurred in the environment as a result of the tremendous technological progress in our current era, all efforts in recent times seek to preserve the environment through several axes, the most important of which is sustainability and its applications in all fields, as sustainability aims to maintain the balance of the environment and make better use of natural environmental resources. Exploit and reduce waste as much as possible, and by preserving these resources, future generations can enjoy a better quality of life and greater opportunities for development and prosperity.

We find that sustainability combines with all fields, which has created modern concepts and applications, the most important of which is environmentally sustainable design, which is called (environmentally conscious design or ecological design), which is the philosophy of designing material objects to comply with the principles of environmental sustainability. We find that glass is the ideal material for achieving sustainability because it is a natural and clean material. Environmentally friendly, healthier and more sustainable, less dangerous to the environment, in addition to its properties that help adapt to the environment. It is the most common material that can be reused several times, which makes it a material that rarely has any damage or waste. Hence, the problem of the research was the lack of specific standards. To design glass products in accordance with the principles of sustainability.
