The Sufi legacy of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi and its impact on the heritage

Document Type : scientific articles


Graphic teacher, Printed Design Division, Faculty of Fine Arts, Mansoura University


And that the view of religion and the view of philosophy and Muslim scholars are compatible with art, its symbols, formations, and its association with the universe as a whole, and that the regular sound in its sharp degrees creates regular geometric shapes from the void, such as circles and stellar, octagonal, and dodecahedrons, as shown in the philosophy of thought of Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi and in his own philosophy and symbols, here It requires us, as artists, the importance of reviving the heritage, studying its symbolism and vocabulary, documenting and studying these vocabulary, and conducting production workshops for this type of Islamic arts and decorations.Studying the artistic symbols of the Masnavi and transforming them into visual art production, with the establishment of a permanent exhibition in the Mevlevi Tekkeh for all types of plastic, visual and audio arts as a permanent exhibition to attract tourism and introduce the whole world to the artistic, philosophical and human richness that Egypt possesses in its ancient history.The spread of the ideas of the poet Jalal al-Din al-Rumi is necessary to confront religious extremism and distorted arts
