The Quality control criteria for designing marketing campaigns Through digital platforms Corona crisis (A Case study of the quality of health services)

Document Type : scientific articles


1 مدرس مساعد – كلية التصميم والفنون الإبداعية- جامعة الأهرام الكندية- مصر

2 Helwan University, Faculty of Applied Arts, Advertising Department

3 Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University - Egypt


The COVID-19 crisis has caused widespread challenges across the world. It has not witnessed a pandemic of this magnitude since the Spanish flu, which was nearly a century ago. This crisis represents a new challenge, especially in the current context in light of a global epidemic. A timely response to any crisis is the basis for dealing with the epidemic. It is the dividing line between containing the crisis and allowing it to spread. The Egyptian state has drawn up a very clear and balanced policy to confront this pandemic since the emergence of the crisis. Corona and the first wave of it, the government aimed to take into account achieving a great balance between the axes of preserving the health of the citizen, and emphasizing the continued rotation of the wheel of the economy.

This was done through several measures taken to deal with this severe crisis that negatively affected many countries of the world, while taking care not to stop many economic activities, based on the state and government realizing that these activities are linked to millions of Egyptians.

Keywords: Digital advertising ,the crisis ,crisis ads, digital platforms
