The expressive and formative methods of sculptors in Arabian and African societies Effected by the surrounding conflicts

Document Type : scientific articles


مدرس – قسم النحت كلية الفنون الجميلة – جامعة حلوان


Talking about contemporary Arabian and African sculpture is worthy of consideration to study because we truly need to discuss "conflicts" as a concept and its impact on creating sculptural works due to these surrounding changes that peoples and societies have been experienced., when we try to monitor the artistic movement of the African and Arabian societies we find out artists have presented a contemporary concepts through their formative visions that draw our attentions especially when it comes to dealing with conflicts as a concept according to the national issues and troubles in their country , so sculpture nowadays has come to express the culture of communities more and more because the world is witnessing lots of crises and pressure which had the greatest effect on the formation of artistic vision to the Arabian and African artists and manifested in their work .

Through their sculpture they were able to share their peoples in translating history that included controversial events, and that’s because they didn’t just introduce new art forms but they went deep to the core of it to express their visions and issues in an efficient way. Human topics that considered as a reflection of man's concerns and suffering in Arab and African societies are serve as a panorama to monitor and capture the events through history.

That’s why the researcher shaded light on some of the successful examples and how they introduced their artistic visions to become a mixture of their creativities and humanitarian issues,
