Mural painting and its role in developing awareness to face environmental challenges and climate change.

Document Type : scientific articles


painting department-faculty of fine arts-Alexandria university


In recent years, the planet's temperature has risen in what is known as the phenomenon of global warming, causing many damages to the environment and living organisms on the face of the earth, This is in addition to other environmental pollution problems such as pollution of the waters of the seas, oceans and rivers, air pollution and the diseases it causes to humans and its impact on animals and plants, What results from these problems is an imbalance in the ecological balance.

Within the framework of the Egyptian state's vision 2030, and the launch of the national strategy for climate change in Egypt 2050 to achieve the goals of sustainable development, whose goals include climate action, combating climate change, preserving the ecosystem, and solving environmental problems. This research is concerned with studying the role of contemporary mural painting in many countries of the world. In presenting the problems of environmental pollution to confront these problems and calling for their solution through direct interaction between mural painting and the audience receiving the artwork. Contemporary mural artists and many institutions seek to present works of art that affect the recipient in different intellectual, social and age groups, in order to try to change the behavior of the audience receiving the artwork in a positive way towards the elements of the surrounding environment. Contemporary murals that include awareness ideas about environmental problems and issues and climate change aim to create environmental awareness among the recipient,
